How to distribute a file across presto cluster in kuebernetes How to distribute a file across presto cluster in kuebernetes kubernetes kubernetes

How to distribute a file across presto cluster in kuebernetes

You can create a secret or Configmap using your keystore and mount it as volume and then use the path in your files.

How to create and use configMap in k8s here

How to configure a secret in k8s here

You can use both in a similar fashion in your Custom Resource as in any other resource. I see an option of additionalVolumes and documentation associated with it here

You can create a secret in K8s and mount it within Presto deployment using additionalVolumes property.Checkout documentation on additionalVolumes at

  1. Create a secret from a file:
kubectl create secret generic cluster-keystore --from-file=./docker.cluster.jks
  1. Add the secret in the "additionalVolumes" section in the yaml: (per Karol's URL above)
 additionalVolumes:  - path: /jks   volume:    secret:     secretName: "cluster-keystore"
  1. Add the jks file to the coordinator "additionalProperties" section in your yaml:
  coordinator:    cpuRequest: 25     cpuLimit: 25     memoryAllocation: 110Gi    additionalProperties: |      http-server.https.enabled=true      http-server.https.port=8443      http-server.https.keystore.path=/jks/docker.cluster.jks      http-server.https.keystore.key=xxxxxxxxxxx      http-server.authentication.type=PASSWORD