How to get HTTPS on AKS without ingress How to get HTTPS on AKS without ingress kubernetes kubernetes

How to get HTTPS on AKS without ingress

A sidecar container with nginx with the correct certificates (possible loaded off a Secret or a ConfigMap) will do the job without ingress. This seems to be a good example, using nginx-ssl-proxy container.

Yes, that's right as of this writing an Ingress will currently work either on port 80 or port 443, potentially it can be extended to use any port because nginx, Traefik, haproxy, etc can all listen on different ports.

So you are down to either a LoadBalancer or a NodePort type of service. Type LoadBalancer will not work directly with TLS since the Azure load balancers are layer 4. So you will have to use Application Gateway and it's preferred to use an internal load balancer for security reasons.

Since you are using Azure you can run something like this (assuming that your K8s cluster is configured the right way to use the Azure cloud provider, either the --cloud-provider option or the cloud-controller-manager):

$ cat <<EOFapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: your-app  annotations: "true"spec:  type: LoadBalancer  ports:  - port: <your-port>  selector:    app: your-appEOF | kubectl apply -f -

and that will create an Azure load balancer on the port you like for your service. Behind the scenes, the load balancer will point to a port on the nodes and within the nodes, there will be firewall rules that will route to your container. Then you can configure Application Gateway. Here's a good article describing it but using port 80, you will have to change it use port 443 and configuring the TLS certs, and the Application Gateway also supports end to end TLS in case you want to terminate TLS directly on your app too.

The other option is NodePort, and you can run something like this:

$ kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type=NodePort

Then Kubernetes will pick a random port on all your nodes where you can send traffic to your service listening on <your-port>. So, in this case, you will have to manually create a load balancer with TLS or a traffic source that listens on TLS <your-port> and forwards it to a NodePort on all your nodes, this load balancer can be anything like haproxy, nginx, Traefik or something else that supports terminating TLS. And you can also use the Application Gateway to forward directly to your node ports, in other words, define a listener that listens on the NodePort of your cluster.