How to get max cpu useage of a pod in kubernetes over a time interval (say 30 days) in promql? How to get max cpu useage of a pod in kubernetes over a time interval (say 30 days) in promql? kubernetes kubernetes

How to get max cpu useage of a pod in kubernetes over a time interval (say 30 days) in promql?

You'd need to capture the inner expression (rate of container cpu usage) as a recording rule:

- record: container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:rate5m  expr: rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total[5m])

then use this new timeseries to calculate max_over_time:

max (    max_over_time(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:rate5m[30d])) by (pod_name)

This is only need in Prometheus versions older to 2.7 as subqueries can be calculated on the fly, see this blog post for more details.

Bear in mind though, if you're planning to use this composite query (max of max_per_time of data collected in the last 30 days) for alerting or visualisation (rather than an one-off query), then you'd still want to use the recording rule to improve the query's performance. Its the classic CS computational complexity tradeoff (memory/storage space required for storing the recording rule as a separate timeseries vs. the computational resources needed to process data for 30 days!)

Please, try something like this:

max_over_time(sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod="pod-name-here-759b8f",container_name!="POD", container_name!=""}[1m])) [720h:1s])