How to import custom dashboards to grafana using helm How to import custom dashboards to grafana using helm kubernetes kubernetes

How to import custom dashboards to grafana using helm

I partially figured it out. I can load dashboards from a configmap. Not from separate json files yet but it'a progress.

For anyone interested I put this on my github page:

You can find a good example of how to do this in the charts for prometheus-operator here:

It is a ConfigMapList that gets all JSONs from a given directory and stores them into ConfigMaps which are read by Grafana.

{{- $files := .Files.Glob "dashboards/*.json" }}{{- if $files }}apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapListitems:{{- range $path, $fileContents := $files }}{{- $dashboardName := regexReplaceAll "(^.*/)(.*)\\.json$" $path "${2}" }}- apiVersion: v1  kind: ConfigMap  metadata:    name: {{ printf "%s-%s" (include "prometheus-operator.fullname" $) $dashboardName | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }}    namespace: {{ template "prometheus-operator.namespace" . }}    labels:      {{- if $.Values.grafana.sidecar.dashboards.label }}      {{ $.Values.grafana.sidecar.dashboards.label }}: "1"      {{- end }}      app: {{ template "" $ }}-grafana{{ include "prometheus-operator.labels" $ | indent 6 }}  data:    {{ $dashboardName }}.json: {{ $.Files.Get $path | toJson }}{{- end }}{{- end }}

Mind that the size of a ConfigMap might be limited: