How to include script and run it into kubernetes yaml? How to include script and run it into kubernetes yaml? kubernetes kubernetes

How to include script and run it into kubernetes yaml?

I'm using this approach in OpenShift, so it should be applicable in Kubernetes as well.

Try to put your script into a configmap key/value, mount this configmap as a volume and run the script from the volume.

apiVersion: batch/v1kind: Jobmetadata:  name: hello-world-jobspec:  parallelism: 1      completions: 1      template:             metadata:      name: hello-world-job    spec:      volumes:      - name: hello-world-scripts-volume        configMap:          name: hello-world-scripts      containers:      - name: hello-world-job        image: alpine        volumeMounts:          - mountPath: /hello-world-scripts            name: hello-world-scripts-volume        env:          - name: HOME            value: /tmp        command:        - /bin/sh        - -c        - |          echo "scripts in /hello-world-scripts"          ls -lh /hello-world-scripts          echo "copy scripts to /tmp"          cp /hello-world-scripts/*.sh /tmp          echo "apply 'chmod +x' to /tmp/*.sh"          chmod +x /tmp/*.sh          echo "execute now"          /tmp/      restartPolicy: Never---apiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion: v1  data: |      echo ""      date      sleep 1      echo "run /tmp/ now"      /tmp/ |      echo ""      sleep 1      date  kind: ConfigMap  metadata:    creationTimestamp: null    name:  hello-world-scriptskind: Listmetadata: {}

As explained here, you could use the defaultMode: 0777 property as well, an example:

apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: test-scriptdata: |    echo "test1"    ls---apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: testspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: test  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: test    spec:      volumes:      - name: test-script        configMap:          name: test-script          defaultMode: 0777      containers:      - command:        - sleep        - infinity        image: ubuntu        name: locust        volumeMounts:          - mountPath: /test-script            name: test-script

You can enter into the container shell and execute the script /test-script/

Yes, this is possible, but you'll need to build a docker container containing your script.

I suggest having a read of this getting started guide

Once you've got a working docker image locally, push it to a docker repository (such a and then replaced the "image" definition in your yaml file with our own image, eg:

image: "my-custom-image:latest"

One other thing to bear in mind, is if the script is an ad-hoc process (ie not a web service) which you just want to have executed once, you might consider using the kubernetes job