How to install a CA in Minikube so image pulls are trusted How to install a CA in Minikube so image pulls are trusted kubernetes kubernetes

How to install a CA in Minikube so image pulls are trusted

I had to do something similar recently. You should be able to just hop on the machine with minikube ssh and then follow the directions here

to place the CA in the appropriate directory (/etc/docker/certs.d/[registry hostname]/). You shouldn't need to restart the daemon for it to work.

Well, the minikube has a feature to copy all the contents of ~/.minikube/files directory to its VM filesystem. So you can place your certificates under

~/.minikube/files/etc/docker/certs.d/<docker registry host>:<docker registry port> path 

and these files will be copied into the proper destination on minikube startup automagically.

Shell into Minikube.

Copy your certificates to:

/etc/docker/certs.d/<docker registry host>:<docker registry port>

Ensure that your permissions are correct on the certificate, they must be at least readable.

Restart Docker (systemctl restart docker)

Don't forget to create a secret if your Docker Registry uses basic authentication:

kubectl create secret docker-registry service-registry --docker-server=<docker registry host>:<docker registry port> --docker-username=<name> --docker-password=<pwd> --docker-email=<email>