How to measure Hyperledger Fabric performance using Hyperledger Caliper in Kubernetes setting How to measure Hyperledger Fabric performance using Hyperledger Caliper in Kubernetes setting kubernetes kubernetes

How to measure Hyperledger Fabric performance using Hyperledger Caliper in Kubernetes setting

Your connection profile doesn't look correct as you haven't specified the tlsCACert information correctly. As you need to use a connection profile that works with node 2.2 the following might work

name: Fabricorganizations:  org1:    mspid: org1MSP    peers:    - peer0-org1peers:  peer0-org1:    url: grpcs://peer0-org1:7051    tlsCACerts:      path: ../fabric-samples/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/peers/peer0-org1/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.org1-cert.pem

there are some details here about the node sdk 2.2 expected format for the connection profile but I'm not sure how correct they are