How to not expose Traefik port to the internet? How to not expose Traefik port to the internet? kubernetes kubernetes

How to not expose Traefik port to the internet?

Try to remove the expose and exposedPort parameter.

Try this:

ports:  metrics:    expose: true    port: 3333    exposedPort: 3333    protocol: TCPenv:- name: POD_IP  valueFrom:    fieldRef:      apiVersion: v1      fieldPath: status.podIPadditionalArguments:- "--metrics.prometheus=true"- "--metrics.prometheus.buckets=0.100000, 0.300000, 1.200000, 5.000000"- "--metrics.prometheus.addEntryPointsLabels=true"- "--metrics.prometheus.addServicesLabels=true"- "--entrypoints.metrics.address=$(POD_IP):3333/tcp"- "--metrics.prometheus.entryPoint=metrics"

Traefik will expose metrics only at POD_IP network interface.

And/or additionally, i'd propose to update firewall settings at your workers (iptables, etc...)

If you prefer to set a configuration outside of traefik :I think that you can use something like iptable to block access to this port from outside of your server. Or only accept to this port for a specific sub network.

iptables -A INPUT -s  -i eth0 --protocol tcp --dport 3333 -j DROP