How to patch multi document yaml file on condition using yq? How to patch multi document yaml file on condition using yq? kubernetes kubernetes

How to patch multi document yaml file on condition using yq?

With mikefarah/yq on versions beyond 4, you could do a select and update |= operation on the required document

yq e 'select(.kind == "NetworkPolicy").apiVersion |= ""' yaml

The above works fine on yq version 4.6.0. Use the -i flag to replace the file in-place.

Given that other solutions will be helpful - an alternative solution would be using kustomize:

  1. Create the kustomization.yaml file:
apiVersion: Kustomizationresources:- network-policy.yamlpatches:  - target:      kind: NetworkPolicy      group:      version: v1    patch: |      - op: replace        path: /apiVersion        value:
  1. Run
kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -


kubectl apply -k .