How to provide support for Persistent Volume provisioner within an kubernetes cluster? How to provide support for Persistent Volume provisioner within an kubernetes cluster? kubernetes kubernetes

How to provide support for Persistent Volume provisioner within an kubernetes cluster?

PersistentVolume types are implemented as plugins. Kubernetes currently supports the following plugins:

GCEPersistentDiskAWSElasticBlockStoreAzureFileAzureDiskFC (Fibre Channel)FlexvolumeFlockerNFSiSCSIRBD (Ceph Block Device)CephFSCinder (OpenStack block storage)GlusterfsVsphereVolumeQuobyte VolumesHostPath (Single node testing only  local storage is not supported in any way and WILL NOT WORK in a multi-node cluster)Portworx VolumesScaleIO VolumesStorageOS

You can enable support for PVs or Dynamic PVs using thoese plugins.

detail reference

On Digital Ocean you can use block storage for volumes.


Kubernetes can be set-up for Dynamic Volume Provisioning. This would allow the Chart to run to completion using the default configuration as the PVs would be provisioned on-demand.