How to send the time series data generated using jmeter[Docker Container] script to influxdb[Not a Docker instance] in K8S How to send the time series data generated using jmeter[Docker Container] script to influxdb[Not a Docker instance] in K8S kubernetes kubernetes

How to send the time series data generated using jmeter[Docker Container] script to influxdb[Not a Docker instance] in K8S

Now, in real-world I have to deal with only one Docker container Jmeter

based on this assumption, the only thing that actually changes from your container's perspective is the endpoint of InfluxDB, which is still configurable*.

In K8S world, if you want to access services living outside of the cluster (e.g. InfluxDB running on AWS instance) you need to map them to the cluster network via concept of Service without the selectors.

* endpoint from the link I shared would have a name 'my-service:80' (yes, that's it)