How to set up Istio or Linkerd with namespace-level permissions (without cluster administration permission)? How to set up Istio or Linkerd with namespace-level permissions (without cluster administration permission)? kubernetes kubernetes

How to set up Istio or Linkerd with namespace-level permissions (without cluster administration permission)?

Linkerd cannot function without certain ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings, etc. However, it does provide a two-stage install mode where one phase corresponds to "cluster admin permissions needed" (aka give this to your ops team) and the other "cluster admin permissions NOT needed" (do this part yourself).

The set of cluster admin permissions needed is scoped down to be as small as possible, and can be inspected (The linkerd install config command simply outputs it to stdout.)

See for details.

For context, we originally tried to have a mode that required no cluster-level privileges, but it became clear we were going against the grain with how K8s operates, and we ended up abandoning that approach in favor of making the control plane cluster-wide but multi-tenant.