How to setup Kibana (EFK stack) on Azure Kubernetes cluster using reverse proxy ingress? How to setup Kibana (EFK stack) on Azure Kubernetes cluster using reverse proxy ingress? kubernetes kubernetes

How to setup Kibana (EFK stack) on Azure Kubernetes cluster using reverse proxy ingress?

Your image version is 7.9.1, as mentioned here


Specifies whether Kibana should rewrite requests that are prefixed with server.basePath or require that they are rewritten by your reverse proxy. In Kibana 6.3 and earlier, the default is false. In Kibana 7.x, the setting is deprecated. In Kibana 8.0 and later, the default is true. Default: deprecated

As far as I know if you want to use server.basePath then additionally you have to set server.rewriteBasePath: true

Try to add the following to the Kibana config:

server.basePath: "/kibana"server.rewriteBasePath: true

Additionally, as mentioned here by @anyasabo

You would need to override the path for the readiness probe in the podtemplate of your kibana resource. Currently it is hardcoded to /login

If that won't work I would suggest to check if ingress is configured properly.

For example create simple ingress with just / path to kibana and check if it works.

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