How to setup Letsencrypt with Kubernetes microk8s using default Ingress? How to setup Letsencrypt with Kubernetes microk8s using default Ingress? kubernetes kubernetes

How to setup Letsencrypt with Kubernetes microk8s using default Ingress?

This guide is to set up Letsencrypt with Kubernetes using Microk8s and the default Ingress controller.

Versions used:

microk8s version 1.21/stable

cert-manager v1.3.1

Pre-requisite: Forward ports 80 & 443 to your server. Set up a domain name that points to your server.

Install microk8s

snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.21/stable

Enable dns and ingress

sudo microk8s enable dns ingress

We'll create a test webserver deployment/service using the nginx webserver image to test web traffic


apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: webserver-deplspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: webserver-app  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: webserver-app    spec:      containers:        - name: webserver-app          image: nginx:1.8---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: webserver-svcspec:  selector:    app: webserver-app  ports:  - name: webserver-app    protocol: TCP    port: 80    targetPort: 80

apply the config file

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f webserver-depl-svc.yaml

now to configure the default ingress to serve the test webserver


apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: ingress-routesspec:  rules:#change to your domain  - host:    http:      paths:        - path: /          backend:            serviceName: webserver-svc            servicePort: 80

Apply the ingress routes

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f ingress-routes.yaml

When you visit, you should see the default "welcome to nginx!" splash screen.

Now to install cert-manager

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f

The next command should show 3 pods to confirm cert-manager is installed and running

sudo microk8s kubectl get pods --n=cert-manager

Now to create the certificate issuer config. A detail to notice is that the class used in this config is public as opposed to nginx. This may be microk8s specific.


apiVersion: ClusterIssuermetadata:  name: letsencrypt-stagingspec:  acme:#change to your email    email:    server:    privateKeySecretRef:      name: letsencrypt-staging    solvers:    - http01:        ingress:          class: public


apiVersion: ClusterIssuermetadata:  name: letsencrypt-prodspec:  acme:    server: to your email    email:    privateKeySecretRef:       name: letsencrypt-prod    solvers:    - http01:        ingress:          class: public

Apply both issuer configs

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f letsencrypt-staging.yamlsudo microk8s kubectl apply -f letsencrypt-prod.yaml

now to update ingress-routes.yaml to use the staging certificate.

apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: ingress-routes  annotations: "letsencrypt-staging"spec:  tls:  - hosts:#change to your domain    -    secretName: tls-secret  rules:#change to your domain  - host:    http:      paths:        - path: /          backend:            serviceName: webserver-svc            servicePort: 80

Apply the update

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f ingress-routes.yaml

Run the next command to confirm Ready=True

sudo microk8s kubectl get certificate

If it returned true, that means HTTP-01 challenge was successful.You can see more detail at the end of output running the next command

sudo microk8s kubectl describe certificate tls-secret

Now to change ingress-routes.yaml to use the production certificate.

apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: ingress-routes  annotations: "letsencrypt-prod"spec:  tls:  - hosts:#change to your domain    -    secretName: tls-secret  rules:#change to your domain  - host:    http:      paths:        - path: /          backend:            serviceName: webserver-svc            servicePort: 80

Apply the update

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f ingress-routes.yaml

Now the moment of truth. Run the next command to confirm a certificate was generated. Ready=True

sudo microk8s kubectl get certificate

Run the next command and look at the final output to verify the certificate was issued.

sudo microk8s kubectl describe certificate tls-secret

Now if you visit your domain. You should see the little lock of success! :-)