How to turn off autoscaling in Kubernetes with the kubectl command? How to turn off autoscaling in Kubernetes with the kubectl command? kubernetes kubernetes

How to turn off autoscaling in Kubernetes with the kubectl command?

When you autoscale, it creates a HorizontalPodScaler.

You can delete it by:

kubectl delete hpa NAME-OF-HPA.

You can get NAME-OF-HPA from:

kubectl get hpa.

kubectl delete hpa ${name of hpa}

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, like every API resource, is supported in a
standard way by kubectl. We can create a new autoscaler using kubectl create command. We can list autoscalers by kubectl get hpa and get detailed description by kubectl describe hpa. Finally, we can delete an autoscaler using kubectl delete hpa.

from official docs

kubectl delete horizontalpodautoscaler name_autoscaler_deployment -n namespace