How to update AWS NLB setting to store logs in S3 bucket by k8s annotations How to update AWS NLB setting to store logs in S3 bucket by k8s annotations kubernetes kubernetes

How to update AWS NLB setting to store logs in S3 bucket by k8s annotations

I've found a solution. I hope, it will help anybody.

As I understand, mentioned above annotations are only for ELB, and they don't work for NLB. I tried to update EKS to 1.16 and 1.17. It works for ELB, but not for NLB.

So, the solution is - to use local-exec provision in Terraform for k8s. At least it works for me.

Here is the code:

resource "null_resource" "enable_s3_bucket_logging_on_nlb" {  triggers = { <TRIGGERS> }  provisioner "local-exec" {    command = <<EOSfor i in $(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --region=<REGION> --names=$(echo ${data.kubernetes_service.nginx_ingress.load_balancer_ingress.0.hostname} |cut -d- -f1) | \jq ".[][] | { LoadBalancerArn: .LoadBalancerArn }" |awk '{print $2}' |tr -d '"'); do \aws elbv2 modify-load-balancer-attributes --region=<REGION> --load-balancer-arn $i --attributes Key=access_logs.s3.enabled,Value=true \Key=access_logs.s3.bucket,Value=nlb-logs-bucket Key=access_logs.s3.prefix,Value=nlblogs;\done; \EOS  }}


  • <TRIGGERS> - condition for the trigger
  • <REGION> - region of your NLB

I quite like the answer from above - I just modified the terraform code to rely less on any cli processing:

data "kubernetes_service" "nginx" {  metadata {    name      = "${local.k8s_nginx_name}-controller"    namespace = local.k8s_nginx_namespace  }}locals {  nlb_hostname = data.kubernetes_service.nginx.status.0.load_balancer.0.ingress.0.hostname  nlb_name     = split("-", local.nlb_hostname)[0]  # S3 log bucket needs:  #  nlb_attributes_json = jsonencode([    { Key = "deletion_protection.enabled", Value = "true" },    { Key = "load_balancing.cross_zone.enabled", Value = "true" },    { Key = "access_logs.s3.enabled", Value = "true" },    { Key = "access_logs.s3.bucket", Value = var.s3_log_name },    { Key = "access_logs.s3.prefix", Value = "nlblogs" },  ])}data "aws_lb" "nginx-nlb" {  name = local.nlb_name}resource "null_resource" "enable_s3_bucket_logging_on_nlb" {  triggers = {    nlb_arn             = data.aws_lb.nginx-nlb.arn    nlb_attributes_json = local.nlb_attributes_json  }  provisioner "local-exec" {    command = <<EOS    aws elbv2 modify-load-balancer-attributes \      --region=${var.aws_region} \      --load-balancer-arn ${data.aws_lb.nginx-nlb.arn} \      --attributes '${local.nlb_attributes_json}'\    EOS  }}