How to use Kafka connect in Strimzi How to use Kafka connect in Strimzi kubernetes kubernetes

How to use Kafka connect in Strimzi

Kafka Connect exposes a REST API, so you need to expose that HTTP endpoint from the Connect pods

I read that Kafka connect is used to copy data from a source to Kafka cluster or from Kafka cluster to another destination.

That is one application, but sounds like you want MirrorMaker2 instead for that

If you don't want to use the REST API, then uncomment this line

# "true"

and use another YAML file to configure the Connect resources , as shown here for Debezium. See kind: "KafkaConnector"

Look at this simple example from scratch. Not really what you want to do, but pretty close. We are sending messages to a topic using the and consuming them using a file sink connector.

The example also shows how to include additional connectors by creating your own custom Connect image, based on the Strimzi one. This step would be needed for more complex examples involving external systems.