How to use Kubernetes fieldSelector to query ownerReferences How to use Kubernetes fieldSelector to query ownerReferences kubernetes kubernetes

How to use Kubernetes fieldSelector to query ownerReferences

The --field-selector only works with some limited fields.

Which contains:


But you can perform the task by using jq. Here is a command that I used for listing all ready nodes. It demonstrates the use of array fields that you're looking for.

$ kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[] | select(.type=="Ready" and .status=="True")) | 'master-0node-1node-3

I think what you really want to do is a filter rather than a query. By using JSONPath you can filter out content using ?().

For example the following would work:

kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(.metadata.ownerReferences.uid=262bab1a-1c79-11ea-8e23-42010a800016)]}{}{end}'