Https certificates and Kubernetes (EKS) Https certificates and Kubernetes (EKS) kubernetes kubernetes

Https certificates and Kubernetes (EKS)

I have done quite a bit of investigation now and here is what I came down to.

All my EKS EC2 instances are running on the private subnets which means they are not accessible from outside. Yes, by default Kubernetes does not encrypt traffic between pods which means that a hacker who gained access to my VPC (could be a rogue AWS engineer, someone who manages to physically access AWS data centers, someone who managed to access my AWS account...) will be able to sniff the network traffic. At the same time, I feel that in that instance the hacker will have access to much more! If he has access to my AWS account, he can download the https certificate himself for instance. If he manages to walk into an (high security) AWS data center and finds my server - it's good to compare the risk he has to take against the value of your data. If your data includes credit card/payments or sensitive personal data (date of birth, health details...), SSL encryption is a must.Anyway, to secure pods traffic, there are 2 options.

  1. Update all the pod source code and add the certificate there. It requires a lot of maintenance if you are running many pods and certificates expire every other year..
  2. Add an extra 'network layer' like This will add complexity to your cluster and in the case of EKS, support from AWS will be 'best effort'. Ideally, you would pay for Istio support.

For the load balancer, I decided to add an ingress to the cluster (Ngnix, Traefik...) and set it up with https. That's critical as the ELB sits on the public subnets.