In Kubernetes, Expose secrets in file as environment variables In Kubernetes, Expose secrets in file as environment variables kubernetes kubernetes

In Kubernetes, Expose secrets in file as environment variables

I found out how to inject the secrets from the file into the application container.

First, the secrets file should be in the form KEY="VALUE" on each line.
For those using Consul Template to get the secrets from Vault, you can do it as such:

- name: CT_LOCAL_CONFIG      value: |        vault {          ssl {            ca_cert = "/etc/vault/tls/ca.pem"          }          retry {            backoff = "1s"          }        }        template {          contents = <<EOH        {{- with secret "secret/myproject/dev/module1/mongo-readonly" }}        MONGO_READ_HOSTNAME="{{ .Data.hostname }}"        MONGO_READ_PORT="{{ .Data.port }}"        MONGO_READ_USERNAME="{{ .Data.username }}"        MONGO_READ_PASSWORD="{{ .Data.password }}"        {{- end }}        {{- with secret "secret/myproject/dev/module2/postgres-readonly" }}        POSTGRES_READ_HOSTNAME="{{ .Data.hostname }}"        POSTGRES_READ_PORT="{{ .Data.port }}"        POSTGRES_READ_USERNAME="{{ .Data.username }}"        POSTGRES_READ_PASSWORD="{{ .Data.password }}"        {{- end }}        EOH          destination = "/etc/secrets/myproject/config"        }  

This will result in a secrets file in the correct KEY="VALUE" form.

From the secrets file, which is shared to the app container through volumeMount, we can inject the secrets as environment variables like this:

command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]  # for Python image, /bin/sh doesn't work, /bin/bash has sourceargs:  - source /etc/secrets/myproject/config;    export MONGO_READ_HOSTNAME;    export MONGO_READ_PORT;    export MONGO_READ_USERNAME;    export MONGO_READ_PASSWORD;    export POSTGRES_READ_HOSTNAME;    export POSTGRES_READ_PORT;    export POSTGRES_READ_USERNAME;    export POSTGRES_READ_PASSWORD;    python3;  

In this way, we don't have to modify existing application code which expects secrets from environment variables (used to use Kubernetes Secrets).

Thanks @cryanbhu this actually saved me.

It is also possible to export all the variables without having to list them out:

command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]  # you can also just use sh for other imagesargs:  - source /etc/secrets/myproject/config;    export $(cut -d= -f1 /etc/secrets/myproject/config);    python3;

confirmed that works for me :)