In what order does Skaffold start up deployments and is there a way to specify order? In what order does Skaffold start up deployments and is there a way to specify order? kubernetes kubernetes

In what order does Skaffold start up deployments and is there a way to specify order?

What I had to do was setup a readinessProbe (livenessProbe is optional, for continuous life check) in the containers section of the *.yaml files.

          livenessProbe:            tcpSocket:              port: 5000            initialDelaySeconds: 2            periodSeconds: 2          readinessProbe:            tcpSocket:              port: 5000            initialDelaySeconds: 2            periodSeconds: 2

This looks for Django to fail (i.e. can't connect to the database) and if it does it keeps trying to redeploy it until it doesn't. This was the only way that I could find.