Increase memory limit of a running pod Increase memory limit of a running pod kubernetes kubernetes

Increase memory limit of a running pod

Basically Pods are deployed using containers template of the controllers of the Pods, such as DeploymentConfig, Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet and so on. First of all, you should verify what controller is used for your Pod deployment and modify the resources section on the controller yaml, not running Pod yaml. Look at the following example, if you modify the memory limit on the deployment controller yaml using oc CLI or web console, then it will deploy new pod with new configuration after that.

// List some deployment controller resources as follows.// Then you can see one which is similar name with running pod name.$ oc get deploymentconfig,deployment,statefulset,daemonset -n <your project name>$ oc edit <deployment controller type> <the resource name>:kind: <deployment controller type>metadata:  name: <the resource name>spec:  :  template:    :    spec:      containers:        - name: <the container name>          resources:            limits:              // modify the memory size from 2Gi to 4Gi.              memory: 4Gi

You have to edit the yaml file and add this resources section under your containers part

containers:- image: nginx  imagePullPolicy: Always  name: default-mem-demo-ctr  resources:    limits:      memory: 4Gi  #<--------------This is limit    requests:      memory: 2Gi #<--------------Your applictaion will use memory in between 2Gb to upto 4GB