ingress points to wrong port on a service ingress points to wrong port on a service kubernetes kubernetes

ingress points to wrong port on a service

From what I see you don't have a Selector field in your service. Without it, it will not forward to any backend or pod. What makes you think that it's going to port 8888? What's strange is that you have Endpoints in your service. Did you manually create them?

The service would have to be something like this:

Name:              m-svcNamespace:         m-nsLabels:            Annotations:       <none>Selector:          app=my-applicationType:              ClusterIPIP:                    first  8080/TCPTargetPort:        8080/TCPEndpoints:,              second  8888/TCPTargetPort:        8888/TCPEndpoints:, Affinity:  NoneEvents:            <none>

Then in your deployment definition:

selector:  matchLabels:    app: my-application

Or in a pod:

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  annotations: { ... }  labels:                                    app: my-application

You should also be able to describe your Endpoints:

$ kubectl describe endpoints m-svcName:         m-svcNamespace:    defaultLabels:       app=my-applicationAnnotations:  <none>Subsets:  Addresses:          x.x.x.x  NotReadyAddresses:  <none>  Ports:    Name    Port  Protocol    ----    ----  --------    first   8080  TCP    second  8081  TCPEvents:  <none>

Your Service appears to be what is called a headless service: This would explain why the Endpoints was created automatically.

Something is amiss because it should be impossible for your HTTP request to arrive at you pods without the .spec.selector populated.

I suggest deleting the Service you created and delete the Endpoints with the same name and then recreate the Service with type=ClusterIP and the spec.selector properly populated.