inject environment variables in tomcat [Kubernetes] inject environment variables in tomcat [Kubernetes] kubernetes kubernetes

inject environment variables in tomcat [Kubernetes]

I had the same problem and the answer from @jamesfry helped me to have it fixed. Though it was hard for me to find how to set "system property" for the container in Kubernetes. So sharing fix with exact code change required in your 'Deployment' based on James's answer:

containers:  - name: myapp    image: tomcat8-jre8:latest    imagePullPolicy: Always    env:         - name: JAVA_OPTS      value: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.digester.PROPERTY_SOURCE=org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.EnvironmentPropertySource    - name: DATABASE_HOST      valueFrom:        secretKeyRef:          name: my-secret          key:    - name: DATABASE_USER      valueFrom:        secretKeyRef:          name: my-secret          key: external.database.user    - name: DATABASE_PASSWORD      valueFrom:        secretKeyRef:          name: my-secret          key: external.database.password

Note that your JNDI could directly use your env variables in the deployment file, as below:

<Resource factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"            name="jdbc/mysource"             auth="Container"             type="javax.sql.DataSource"             driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"             url="jdbc:postgresql://${DATABASE_HOST}" # secret url            username="${DATABASE_USER}"                  password="${DATABASE_PASSWORD}" />

And you don't need to touch


TLDR; set the system property org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.PROPERTY_SOURCE to org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.EnvironmentPropertySource and the environment will be used for variable interpolation instead of system properties.

An alternative, setting system properties from environment variables in, unfortunately dumps the properties to the console on startup (declaring them 'command line arguments') and thus leaks any secrets shared this way.