Is Kubernetes local/csi PV content synced into a new node? Is Kubernetes local/csi PV content synced into a new node? kubernetes kubernetes

Is Kubernetes local/csi PV content synced into a new node?

Can a new PV be created so it's 1:1 replicated between 2+ nodes on the cluster?

None of the standard volume types are replicated at all. If you can use a volume type that supports ReadWriteMany access (most readily NFS) then multiple pods can use it simultaneously, but you would have to run the matching NFS server.

Of the volume types you reference:

  • hostPath is a directory on the node the pod happens to be running on. It's not a directory on any specific node, so if the pod gets recreated on a different node, it will refer to the same directory but on the new node, presumably with different content. Aside from basic test scenarios I'm not sure when a hostPath PersistentVolume would be useful.

  • local is a directory on a specific node, or at least following a node-affinity constraint. Kubernetes knows that not all storage can be mounted on every node, so this automatically constrains the pod to run on the node that has the directory (assuming the node still exists).

  • csi is an extremely generic extension mechanism, so that you can run storage drivers that aren't on the list you link to. There are some features that might be better supported by the CSI version of a storage backend than the in-tree version. (I'm familiar with AWS: the EBS CSI driver supports snapshots and resizing; the EFS CSI driver can dynamically provision NFS directories.)

In the specific case of a local test cluster (say, using kind) using a local volume will constrain pods to run on the node that has the data, which is more robust than using a hostPath volume. It won't replicate the data, though, so if the node with the data is deleted, the data goes away with it.