Is there a way to configure an EKS service to use HTTPS? Is there a way to configure an EKS service to use HTTPS? kubernetes kubernetes

Is there a way to configure an EKS service to use HTTPS?

To terminate HTTPS traffic on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service and pass it to a backend:

1.    Request a public ACM certificate for your custom domain.

2.    Identify the ARN of the certificate that you want to use with the load balancer's HTTPS listener.

3.    In your text editor, create a service.yaml manifest file based on the following example. Then, edit the annotations to provide the ACM ARN from step 2.

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: echo-service  annotations:    # Note that the backend talks over HTTP. http    # TODO: Fill in with the ARN of your certificate. arn:aws:acm:{region}:{user id}:certificate/{id}    # Only run SSL on the port named "https" below. "https"spec:  type: LoadBalancer  selector:    app: echo-pod  ports:  - name: http    port: 80    targetPort: 8080  - name: https    port: 443    targetPort: 8080

4.    To create a Service object, run the following command:

$ kubectl create -f service.yaml

5.    To return the DNS URL of the service of type LoadBalancer, run the following command:

$ kubectl get service

Note: If you have many active services running in your cluster, be sure to get the URL of the right service of type LoadBalancer from the command output.

6.    Open the Amazon EC2 console, and then choose Load Balancers.

7.    Select your load balancer, and then choose Listeners.

8.    For Listener ID, confirm that your load balancer port is set to 443.

9.    For SSL Certificate, confirm that the SSL certificate that you defined in the YAML file is attached to your load balancer.

10.    Associate your custom domain name with your load balancer name.

11.    Finally, In a web browser, test your custom domain with the following HTTPS protocol:

You should use an ingress (and not a service) to expose http/s outside of the clusterI suggest using the ALB Ingress Controller

There is a complete walkthrough here

and you can see how to setup TLS/SSL here