Is there a way to filter metric by a string value a part of which comes from the result of another query in prometheus query? Is there a way to filter metric by a string value a part of which comes from the result of another query in prometheus query? kubernetes kubernetes

Is there a way to filter metric by a string value a part of which comes from the result of another query in prometheus query?

With promql, you won't be able to have something the way you describe it. Moreover, I am not sure the last schedule time is always the same as the job start time; if there is a slowness or a reschedule somewhere by example.

You can follow the approach indicated in this article. An alternative one would be using the job metrics to determine:

the timestamp of the last failed job per cronjob

- record: job_cronjob:kube_job_status_start_time:last_failed  expr: max((kube_job_status_start_time AND kube_job_status_failed == 1)            * ON(job,namespace) GROUP_LEFT            kube_job_labels{label_cronjob!=""}           ) BY(label_cronjob)

the timestamp of the last successful job per cronjob

- record: job_cronjob:kube_job_status_start_time:last_suceeded  expr: max((kube_job_status_start_time AND kube_job_status_suceeded == 1)            * ON(job,namespace) GROUP_LEFT            kube_job_labels{label_cronjob!=""}           ) BY(label_cronjob)

And alert if failed one is more recent than successful one:

- alert: CronJobStatusFailed  expr:   job_cronjob:kube_job_status_start_time:last_failed        > job_cronjob:kube_job_status_start_time:last_suceeded  for: 1m  annotations:    description: '{{ $labels.label_cronjob}} last run has failed.'