Issue while accessing registry deployed in Kubernetes from Docker Desktop Issue while accessing registry deployed in Kubernetes from Docker Desktop kubernetes kubernetes

Issue while accessing registry deployed in Kubernetes from Docker Desktop

Your docker deamon.js should look like this:

{  "registry-mirrors": [],   "insecure-registries" : [      "localhost:5000",      "",      "private-registry-registry-docker-registry-ui:5000"    ],   "debug" : true,   "experimental": true}

When you want to add insecure registry after updating docker deamon.js you have to restart docker. Make sure you have done this. Make sure that port 5000 is open on destination machine. Also check firewalls.

Speaking about pushing image, I think you don't have a default registry. You have to:

  1. Start the registry container $ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

Check the registry container is running, execute command: $ docker ps | grep registry, and then proceed further - tag and push your image.

  1. Tag your image ($ docker tag ... )

  2. Push your image using command ($ docker push ...)

Take a look on similar problems: docker-push-issue, connection-refused.