Jenkins Kubernetes plugin failing to provision jnlp-slave pods Jenkins Kubernetes plugin failing to provision jnlp-slave pods kubernetes kubernetes

Jenkins Kubernetes plugin failing to provision jnlp-slave pods

I went to and set "Agents:TCP port for JNLP agents" to "random"

I then got a "jnlp-slave-ttm5v (suspended)" that stays in the "Build Executor Status"

and the log said:

Container is waiting jnlp-slave-ttm5v [jnlp-slave]: ContainerStateWaiting(message=Error response from daemon: the working directory './.jenkins-agent' is invalid, it needs to be an absolute path, reason=CreateContainerError, additionalProperties={})

After setting "Working directory" to "/home/jenkins" I saw a pod actually get created on k8s:

# kubectl get pods --namespace=jenkins-slavesNAME               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEjnlp-slave-1ds27   2/2       Running   0          42s

and my job ran successfully!

Started by user BuildguyAgent jnlp-slave-1ds27 is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod TemplateAgent specification [Kubernetes Pod Template] (jenkins-slaves): * [jnlp-slave] jenkins/jnlp-slave(resourceRequestCpu: , resourceRequestMemory: , resourceLimitCpu: , resourceLimitMemory: )Building remotely on jnlp-slave-1ds27 (jenkins-slaves) in workspace /home/jenkins/workspace/maven-parent-poms