Jenkins pass paramater as an env to the shell script for passing sh to kubernetes pod Jenkins pass paramater as an env to the shell script for passing sh to kubernetes pod kubernetes kubernetes

Jenkins pass paramater as an env to the shell script for passing sh to kubernetes pod

You can keep placeholders for such values which requires to be updated dynamically at build time.I'd keep the shell-script as below with placeholders instead of variables:

#!/bin/shmvn --projects <PROJECTNAME> --also-make clean test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@<SERVICENAME> or @<TAG>" -Denvironment=test -Ddhc=true

And then add a sed line within the sh block above your helm upgrade ... command to replace the placeholders with build time values so that it can passed to the next set of actions.

sh """sed -i \"s/<PROJECTNAME>/${projectName}/g; s/<SERVICENAME>/${service_name}/g; s/<TAG>/${tag}/g\" /path/to/test-script.shhelm upgrade . . . """


Example: if (serviceName == 'xx') {    env.TAG = serviceName} sh """.... other actions"""