K8S EFK (especially Fluentd) daemonset for docker journald logging driver K8S EFK (especially Fluentd) daemonset for docker journald logging driver kubernetes kubernetes

K8S EFK (especially Fluentd) daemonset for docker journald logging driver

docker log driver journald send docker logs to systemd-journald.service

so, we need to make systemd-journald persistent save to /var/log/journal

edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf:


then restart to apply changes:

systemctl restart systemd-journaldls -l /var/log/journal

as /var/log has been mounted into fluentd pod, its all done, restart fluentd pod it works for me @202104.

by the way, i am using fluentd yaml from:

and the env FLUENTD_SYSTEMD_CONF value should not be disable