K8s: How do I access my app with a service? K8s: How do I access my app with a service? kubernetes kubernetes

K8s: How do I access my app with a service?

minikube runs in a VM on your Mac so the minikube IP is not It's actually the IP address of the VM as seen by your Mac. Now I'm not sure why you are getting as this works fine for me:

$ minikube start😄  minikube v1.11.0 on Darwin 10.15.5✨  Using the hyperkit driver based on existing profile👍  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube🔄  Restarting existing hyperkit VM for "minikube" ...🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.18.3 on Docker 19.03.8 ...🔎  Verifying Kubernetes components...🌟  Enabled addons: dashboard, default-storageclass, storage-provisioner🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"$ minikube ip192.168.64.11$ curl<html><head><title>K8s rocks!</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"/></head><body><div class="container"><div class="jumbotron"><h1>Kubernetes Rocks!</h1><p>Check out my K8s Deep Dive course!</p><p> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="https://acloud.guru/learn/kubernetes-deep-dive">The video course</a></p><p></p></div></div></body></html>

You could have a VPN software on your Mac that messes things up.

If will probably help to check the IP address that your VM has:

$ minikube ssh                         _             _            _         _ ( )           ( )  ___ ___  (_)  ___  (_)| |/')  _   _ | |_      __/' _ ` _ `\| |/' _ `\| || , <  ( ) ( )| '_`\  /'__`\| ( ) ( ) || || ( ) || || |\`\ | (_) || |_) )(  ___/(_) (_) (_)(_)(_) (_)(_)(_) (_)`\___/'(_,__/'`\____)$ ifconfig eth0eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 4E:33:DE:14:29:35          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1          RX packets:21781 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:14          TX packets:10123 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000          RX bytes:28636337 (27.3 MiB)  TX bytes:1671406 (1.5 MiB)

Also, depending on the Hypervisor you are running (Hyperkit, VBox, etc), you might want to check a bridge is configured to talk to the VM subnet and that the bridge has an IP range that matches the IP address in the VM. For example, for Hyperkit in my case from my Mac host:

# On my mac$ ifconfig bridge100bridge100: flags=8a63<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,ALLMULTI,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500    options=3<RXCSUM,TXCSUM>    ether 3a:f9:d3:93:95:64    inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast    inet6 fe80::8ad:ce3b:83d9:6c10%bridge100 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x17    inet6 fd38:a1cf:6e5c:2722:462:b0d:a2c1:69bc prefixlen 64 autoconf secured    inet6 fd38:a1cf:6e5c:2722:983c:b72b:39e7:8b70 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary    Configuration:        id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 hellotime 0 fwddelay 0        maxage 0 holdcnt 0 proto stp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200        root id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0        ipfilter disabled flags 0x0    member: en9 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>            ifmaxaddr 0 port 22 priority 0 path cost 0    Address cache:        4e:33:de:14:29:35 Vlan1 en9 1031 flags=0<>    nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>    media: autoselect    status: active