K8s issue pulling from docker private repository K8s issue pulling from docker private repository kubernetes kubernetes

K8s issue pulling from docker private repository

This error is not connected to the fact you are using imagePullSecret.

Review the process you used to create your secret, here is an example:

kubectl create secret docker-registry anyname \--docker-server=docker.io \--docker-username=<username> \--docker-password=<password> \--docker-email=<email>

I have reproduced your case and I have the same error when I create the secret with wrong information.

Have you added the Private Repo into the Docker In-Secure Registry. Also have you tried logging in into your private repo using docker login? When you do so it creates an entry into login creds.
Try doing a manual pull using docker login and docker pull/run. If this works it must work with K8s too.