K8S - Not able to see alerts via - alertmanager K8S - Not able to see alerts via - alertmanager kubernetes kubernetes

K8S - Not able to see alerts via - alertmanager

When you consider using AlertManager, besides the general configuration and applying alert rules, AlertManager requires being integrated with a Prometheus server. The Prometheus instance can then track any incoming series of events, and once it detects any rule which is recognized, it triggers an alert to the nested alertmanager.

In order to enable alerting it might be necessary to append the following config the to Prometheus instance:

alerting:  alertmanagers:  - static_configs:    - targets:      - 'alertmanagerIP:9093'

Specifically, for AlertManager implementation in CoreOS, you can follow the steps described in the official Alerting documentation; however, below you can find example for Prometheus pod alerting configuration kept from the mentioned guideline:

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1kind: Prometheusmetadata:  name: examplespec:  replicas: 2  alerting:    alertmanagers:    - namespace: default      name: alertmanager-example      port: web  serviceMonitorSelector:    matchLabels:      team: frontend  resources:    requests:      memory: 400Mi  ruleSelector:    matchLabels:      role: prometheus-rulefiles      prometheus: example