Kafka with Confluent Kubernetes Helm Charts = Schema Registry WakeupException Kafka with Confluent Kubernetes Helm Charts = Schema Registry WakeupException kubernetes kubernetes

Kafka with Confluent Kubernetes Helm Charts = Schema Registry WakeupException

Your schema registry can't join your Kafka group. You'll have to check the configs, your schema registry needs to perform a leader election initially and that leader election could be either through Zookeeper or Kafka.

Looks like the Helm chart installs the schema registry using Kafka leader election, and you can also see that you can manually pass the Kafka broker parameter or it picks it from .Values.kafka.bootstrapServers, but also the value for .bootstrapServers appears empty. You can see what config value is in your deployment by simply running something like:

$ kubectl get deployment my-confluent-oss-cp-schema-registry -o=yaml

Then you can change it to point the internal Kubernetes my-confluent-oss-cp-kafka service endpoint with:

$ kubectl edit deployment cp-schema-registry

Also, note that as of this writing the cp-helm-charts are in developer preview so use it at your own risk.

The other parameter you can configure is SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_INIT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG since this is exactly where you are seeing the error. So the Kafka Schema registry maybe timing out while trying to connect to the Kafka store. (maybe related to minikube). What's kind of odd is that it should retry.