Kong Ingress Controller has no effect on Kong Plugins Kong Ingress Controller has no effect on Kong Plugins kubernetes kubernetes

Kong Ingress Controller has no effect on Kong Plugins

Looking at the Kong docs, the rate-limit YAML looks correct. If the resource is configured correctly, Kong is not matching the request against the ingress resource because the user is not sending the correct request.

KongPlugin, KongIngress should be in same namespace as Service. YAML provides looks correct. There must be something wrong in ingress yamls annotation and configuration.Is your service annotated with Ingress object?

I think you need to add this annotation to your KongPlugin:

annotations:  kubernetes.io/ingress.class: kong

So try with

apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1kind: KongPluginmetadata: name: http-ratelimit annotations:   kubernetes.io/ingress.class: kong[...]