kubectl attach: Unable to use a TTY - container es-node did not allocate one kubectl attach: Unable to use a TTY - container es-node did not allocate one kubernetes kubernetes

kubectl attach: Unable to use a TTY - container es-node did not allocate one

In order to have proper TTY and stdin when doing attach:

kubectl attach -it POD -c CONTAINER

The container must be configured with tty: true and stdin: true.By default both of those values are false: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#debugging

Example Pod:

spec:      containers:      - name: web        image: web:latest        tty: true        stdin: true

The reason why it's failiing is because you're not passing the bash argument. This causes a failure when trying to create a tty connection.

Please try:

kubectl exec -it [POD-NAME] -c [CONTAINER-NAME] bash

For Windows, MINGW64 (git bash) does not seem to work, but PowerShell does!

kubectl exec -it abc-deployment-5d64659ff8-8tnnb -- /bin/bashroot@abc-deployment-5d64659ff8-8tnnb:/#