kubectl context vs cluster kubectl context vs cluster kubernetes kubernetes

kubectl context vs cluster

Cluster defines connection endpoint for Kubernetes API of a cluster.

User defines credentials for connecting to cluster.

Context defines both cluster and user.


Cluster is a place where all Kubernetes components, capabilities, and workloads are configured.

Clusters in Kubernetes are identified by their respective Certificate Authority (CA) certificates. For ex, let's say you have three clusters.

Clusters data table

rewanth@ubuntu:~$ cat ~/.kube/config...clusters:- cluster:    certificate-authority: /home/rewanth/.minikube/development-ca.crt    server:  name: development...


Users in Kubernetes are identified by their respective client/user certificates. For ex, let's assume you have three users.

Users data table

rewanth@ubuntu:~$ cat ~/.kube/config...users:- name: admin  user:    client-certificate: /home/rewanth/.minikube/admin.crt    client-key: /home/rewanth/.minikube/admin.key...


So, a user has to provide both the cluster certificates and user certificates to validate and run workloads on the targeted resource.

We need to provide three certificates to run workloads on any cluster.

  • One CA certificate for cluster
  • Two certificates for user: A private key and public key

Context makes this work easier by combining User and Cluster configurations/certificates.

Context data table

rewanth@ubuntu:~$ cat ~/.kube/config...contexts:- context:    cluster: staging    user: user1  name: Context1- context:    cluster: development    user: admin  name: Context2- context:    cluster: development    namespace: private    user: user1  name: Context4...

So, simply referring to Context2 means we want to log in to Development cluster as admin user.

Context4 means we want to log in to private namespace in development cluster as user1 user.

Context1 means we want to log in to staging cluster as user1 user.


Context doesn't create new users/clusters. A context simply sets a new mapping that makes switching easier between multiple clusters.

Cluster: Kubernetes brings together individual physical or virtual machines into a cluster using a shared network to communicate between each server. This cluster is the physical platform where all Kubernetes components, capabilities, and workloads are configured.

Context: A context is just a set of access parameters that contains a Kubernetes cluster, a user, and a namespace.

The current context is the cluster that is currently the default for kubectl and all kubectl commands run against that cluster.