kubectl exec permission denied kubectl exec permission denied kubernetes kubernetes

kubectl exec permission denied

You might not have permission to write to the location inside container. try the below command

use /tmp or some other location where you can dump the backup file

kubectl exec my-owncloud-mariadb-0 -it -- bash -c "mysqldump --single-transaction -h localhost -u myuser -ppassword mydatabase > /tmp/owncloud-dbbackup_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.bak"

Given the pod YAML file you've shown, you can't usefully use kubectl exec to make a database backup.

You're getting a shell inside the pod and running mysqldump there to write out the dump file somewhere else inside the pod. You can't write it to the secret directory or the configmap directory, so your essential choices are either to write it to the pod filesystem (which will get deleted as soon as the pod exits, including if Kubernetes decides to relocate the pod within the cluster) or the mounted database directory (and your backup will survive exactly as long as the data it's backing up).

I'd run mysqldump from outside the pod. One good approach would be to create a separate Job that mounted some sort of long-term storage (or relied on external object storage; if you're running on AWS, for example, S3), connected to the database pod, and ran the backup that way. That has the advantage of being fairly self-contained (so you can debug it without interfering with your live database) and also totally automated (you could launch it from a Kubernetes CronJob).

kubectl exec doesn't seem to have the same flags docker exec does to control the user identity, so you're dependent on there being some path inside the container that its default user can write to. /tmp is typically world-writable so if you just want that specific command to work I'd try putting the dump file into /tmp/owncloud-dbbackup_....

I think you mean to write to the file inside the container, but bash is parsing that on your workstation and try to apply the redirect locally. Use kubectl exec ... -- sh -c “...” instead.