kubectl : Unable to connect to the server : dial tcp connect: no route to host kubectl : Unable to connect to the server : dial tcp connect: no route to host kubernetes kubernetes

kubectl : Unable to connect to the server : dial tcp connect: no route to host

if you use minikube sometimes everythin you gotta do is just restart minikube

run: minikube start

The common practice is to copy config file to the home directory

sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config && sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Also, make sure that api-server address is valid.

server: https://<master-node-ip>:6443

If not, you can manually edit it using any text editor.

You need to export the admin.conf file as kubeconfig before running the kubectl commands. You may put this as your env variable

export kubeconfig=<path>/admin.conf

after this you should be able to run the kubectl command. I am hoping that your setup of K8S cluster is proper.