kubernetes: api-server and controller-manager cant start kubernetes: api-server and controller-manager cant start kubernetes kubernetes

kubernetes: api-server and controller-manager cant start

The problem is simply that some service is already bound on 6443 to check that out you can use netstat -lutpn | grep 6443 and kill that process and restart kubelet service.

$ netstat -lutpn | grep 6443tcp6       0      0 :::6443                 :::*                    LISTEN      11395/some-service$ kill 11395$ service kubelet restart

This should fix the situation.

With kubernetes this usually happens if the kubernetes is not properly rested and containers are not properly cleaned out.

To do so...

$ kubeadm reset$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)$ kubeadm init <options> # new initialization

Which would mean the nodes will have to rejoin again.