Kubernetes, can't reach other node services Kubernetes, can't reach other node services kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes, can't reach other node services

It works either by disabling the firewall or by running below command.

I found this open bug in my search. Looks like this is related to docker >=1.13 and flannel

refer: https://github.com/coreos/flannel/issues/799

I am not good at the network.we are in the same situation with you, we set up four virtual machines and one is for master, else are worker nodes. I tried to use nslookup some service using in some container in the pod, but it failed to lookup, stuck on getting response from kubernetes dns.I realize that the dns configuration or the network component is not right, thus look into the log of the canal(we use this CNI to establish the kubernete network), and find that it is initialized with the default interface which seems used by NAT but not the host-only one as below. We then rectify it, and it works now.


# The interface used by canal for host <-> host communication.

# If left blank, then the interface is chosen using the node's

# default route.

canal_iface: ""

Not sure which CNI you use, but hope this could help you to check.