Kubernetes Cluster per app? Kubernetes Cluster per app? kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes Cluster per app?

I would suggest you slice and dice your cluster by using Namespaces.You can easily create a namespace by using the following command.

kubectl create namespace my-project

Now you can feed your all manifest files (deployment, services, secrets, PersistentVolumeClaims) to API Server to that my-project namespace. for instance,

kubectl create -f my-deployment.yaml --namespace my-project

Do not forget to use namespace flag otherwise these manifest would be applied to the default namespace.

If you want to delete your project. you just need to delete the namespace.It will delete all of the resources related to that project.

kubectl delete namespace my-project

furthermore, You can limit the quota to each namespace for resources utilization.

you can further dig up with Namespace


Namespaces are virtual clusters in a physical cluster