Kubernetes connection refused on port 8080 - Windows 10 Kubernetes connection refused on port 8080 - Windows 10 kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes connection refused on port 8080 - Windows 10

You need to start the server first, with:

minikube start

Edit: As op tries to use hyper-v the following command tells minikube to use hyper-v

minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch"

To get this workling it is also neccessary to set a virtual switch named "Primary Virtual Switch" in hyper-v.

I've figured it out myself - on Windows 10Hyper-V should be turn on if you are using Docker desktop but for minikube it should be turn off.

When i had turned off Hyper-V and restarted my PC - then minikube start worked fine.