(Kubernetes + Docker) Skaffold keeps terminating my deployment files : Error: could not stabilize within 2m0s: context deadline exceeded (Kubernetes + Docker) Skaffold keeps terminating my deployment files : Error: could not stabilize within 2m0s: context deadline exceeded kubernetes kubernetes

(Kubernetes + Docker) Skaffold keeps terminating my deployment files : Error: could not stabilize within 2m0s: context deadline exceeded

Looks look your auth-depl deployment is failing. Possibly the container is crashing or erroring out. To debug you can see the pod logs

$ kubectl logs auth-depl-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx

Make sure you run skaffold with the --cleanup=false option so that you can debug. For example,

$ skaffold dev --cleanup=false


Based on the logs it looks like it's an issue with your Kubernetes Secret and how it's defined, possibly the format or YAML format. This answer sheds some details on what the problem may be: Pod status as `CreateContainerConfigError` in Minikube cluster

You should add the environment variable for the mongo image in your deployment file

 env:        - name: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME          value: root        - name: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD          value: "rootuser"