Kubernetes Endpoint created for Kafka but not reflecting in POD Kubernetes Endpoint created for Kafka but not reflecting in POD kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes Endpoint created for Kafka but not reflecting in POD

Is it possible that you forgot to create the Service object matching the Endpoints? Because you are providing the ip-port pairs yourself the Service would need to be selectorless.

This works for me:

kind: EndpointsapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: kafkasubsets:  - addresses: [{ip: ""}]    ports: [{port: 9092}]---kind: ServiceapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: kafkaspec:  ports: [{port: 9092}]

Testing it:

$ kubectl run kafka-dns-test --image=busybox --attach --rm --restart=Never -- nslookup kafkaIf you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.Server:   kafka.default.svc.cluster.localAddress:

Successful lookup, ignore extra *** Can't find xxx: No answer messages

Also, because there is a Service object you get some environment variables in your Pods (without having to declare them):


But the most flexible way to use a Service is still to use the dns name (kafka in this case).