kubernetes - environment variables not works with integers kubernetes - environment variables not works with integers kubernetes kubernetes

kubernetes - environment variables not works with integers

The problem was in the yamls identification code. You may have many problems with the error space in the yaml file.


About the number. Both answers are right. You can use single quotation marks '86400' and ACII "\ x38 \ x36 \ x34 \ x30 \ x30".

Thank you everybody

You have to use ASCII codes for numbers. So your deployment spec will look like

env:  - name: connectionSettings.connectionString.mongoDB    value: "mongodb://"  - name: configuration.token.issuer    value: "\x38\x36\x34\x30\x30"

And check env variables:

sukhoversha@sukhoversha:~/GCP$ kubectl  exec myapp-dev-api-dep-7948866b56-6cnmk  env | grep conconnectionSettings.connectionString.mongoDB=mongodb://