Kubernetes: how to debug CrashLoopBackOff Kubernetes: how to debug CrashLoopBackOff kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes: how to debug CrashLoopBackOff

You can access the logs of your pods with

kubectl logs [podname] -p

the -p option will read the logs of the previous (crashed) instance

If the crash comes from the application, you should have useful logs in there.

CrashLoopBackOff tells that a pod crashes right after the start. Kubernetes tries to start pod again, but again pod crashes and this goes in loop.

You can check pods logs for any error bykubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace> --previous

--previous will show you logs of the previous instantiation of a container

Next, you can check "state reason","last state reason" and "Events" Section by describing podkubectl describe pod -n

"state reason","last state reason"enter image description here

enter image description here

Sometimes the issue can be because of the Less Memory or CPU provided to application.