Kubernetes HPA on AKS is failing with error 'missing request for cpu' Kubernetes HPA on AKS is failing with error 'missing request for cpu' kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes HPA on AKS is failing with error 'missing request for cpu'

resources appears twice in your pod spec.

        resources:         # once here          requests:            cpu: 250m          limits:            cpu: 500m                    ports:        - containerPort: 80        resources: {}      # another here, clearing it

This is typically related to the metrics server.

Make sure you are not seeing anything unusual about the metrics server installation:

# This should show you metrics (they come from the metrics server)$ kubectl top pods$ kubectl top nodes

or check the logs:

$ kubectl logs <metrics-server-pod>

Also, check your kube-controller-manager logs for HPA events related entries.

Furthermore, if you'd like to explore more on whether your pods have missing requests/limits you can simply see the full output of your running pod managed by the HPA:

$ kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o=yaml

Some other people have had luck deleting and renaming the HPA too.

I was able to resolve the issue by changing the following in my kubernetes manifest file from this:

resources:          requests:            cpu: 250m          limits:            cpu: 500m 

to the following:

resources:          requests:            cpu: "250m"          limits:            cpu: "500m" 

HPA worked after that. Following is the GitHub link which gave the solution:https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/issues/237But I did not add any Internal IP address command or anything else.