Kubernetes HTTP liveness probe fails with "connection refused" even though URL works without it Kubernetes HTTP liveness probe fails with "connection refused" even though URL works without it kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes HTTP liveness probe fails with "connection refused" even though URL works without it

For anyone interested I've managed to solve this issue.

I was getting a 301 redirect response from Wordpress due to Wordpress forcing my domain name example.com. Solved this issue by disabling Wordpress canonical redirection feature for the specific request http://POD_IP:8080/index.php.

Here's how:

Added the Pod IP address as an environment variable:

- name: K8S_POD_IP  valueFrom:    fieldRef:      fieldPath: status.podIP

Created a Wordpress plugin with a custom redirect_canonical filter that prevents Wordpress from redirecting http://POD_IP:8080/index.php:

<?php/** * Plugin Name: Kubernetes Liveness Probe Exception */add_filter('redirect_canonical', function($redirect_url, $requested_url) {    $K8S_POD_IP = getenv('K8S_POD_IP');    $LIVENESS_URL = "http://" . $K8S_POD_IP . ":8080/index.php";    if ($requested_url == $LIVENESS_URL) {        return $requested_url;    }    return $redirect_url;}, 10, 2); - - [11/Dec/2019:06:39:18 +0000] "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1" 301 264 "-" "kube-probe/1.16"

You're getting a 301 redirect response from Apache. You need to be getting a 2xx to be considered a success.

To check what path it's redirecting you to try curl --location --verbose http://url/index.php

If you can't figure out a way around Apache or Wordpress's redirection, you could consider a tcpSocket probe rather than httpGet

I'd think WP redirects you to a “clean” url of /. Remove the index.php part